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Parks and Recreation Commission meeting minutes draft October 2013
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

October 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Mike Genest, Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard and Tim Smith
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the September 12, 2013 meeting were approved as written.
Memorial Park
Park Improvement.  Mike reported that the Selectboard suggested that we submit a specific written request for making Memorial Park tobacco-free and establishing a process by which violators will have the opportunity to come before the Parks and Rec Commission to appeal.  We should also specify what will be considered unacceptable behavior.  It was noted that these same rules may apply also apply to the public beach.
After some discussion, the general consensus was that it would probably not be in our best interest to declare parking spaces adjacent to the Skate Park to be for residents only.
Skatepark.  Rebuilding the Pyramid structure is taking longer than expected, but is progressing well.  The younger kids are excited about the new features, and the older kids appear to like the new ramp.  A lot of people showed up during Home and Harvest Days, and the competition went well.
New Park
Smith Road property.  The Berkshire Design Group will draw up a conceptual plan for a park at the Smith Road property for $1200, although the actual cost is $2400, with the understanding that they will be awarded the contract if the purchase goes through.  Completion of the plan will take about one month.  The Berkshire Design Group belongs to the New England Sports Turf Managers Association, and is well qualified to develop a park with a new athletic field.  
Peter attended the Conservation Commission meeting in September, and found them to be in favor, although their energy is currently focused on gaining access in to Campbell’s Pond.  
Peter will invite abutters to the next Parks & Rec meeting.  The Bouchers are the only abutters who have not yet been contacted.   
Capital Improvement Projects.  Joan and Celeste attended the Capital Improvement Committee meeting on October 7 to explain our proposals.  We presented the results of the Memorial Park Survey and a summary of input from the police and Memorial Park neighbors from the September Parks & Rec meeting.  Advice from the CIP Committee was as follows:
  • Delay some of the Memorial Park work to fund the purchase of the new park
  • Share the UNH Mill Pond Park Preliminary Site Plan with the committee members by sending a pdf, if possible
  • Paint chess, checker or other boards on picnic tables
  • Set up a fundraising thermometer in a prominent spot to raise funds for the new park
  • Possibly share mower costs with other departments, such as the Fire Department or the Cemetery Trustees
  • Expand the children’s play area with climbing or other equipment down close to the pond
The CIP budget was adjusted with the following considerations:
  • Lights remain an important improvement for Shea Field, even if Great Brook School is closed in the future, because most working parents find it very difficult to get a child to a game or practice before 5:30 pm.
  • Part of the yearly cost for the lights could legitimately be drawn from the Richardson Trust or from the Revolving account to remove some of the burden from the CIP budget.
  • The property line may now be an issue, as the new surveys show the line between Town of Antrim property and property leased to ConVal appears to run very close to the first-base line of the baseball field.
  • The proposed mower may be more of a town responsibility than a piece of equipment to be claimed by any specific department.
  • Spreading the ~$400,000 cost of developing the new park over four or five years means completion will be a long time coming.  Would it be possible to bond this so it doesn’t take so long to reach completion?
  • Could the town provide subsurface drainage material, which might provide a substantial reduction in the total cost?
Operating Budget.  The committee approved the operating budget proposed by Celeste.

Shea Field
Scoreboard.  Installation has been postponed until soccer season is over.
Nets.  The nets have not yet been ordered.
Irrigation.  Peter will blow out the irrigation lines on Wednesday.     
ConVal Agreement
ConVal/Antrim Agreement Subcommittee.  Mike, Joan, Isaac and Celeste were chosen to represent Antrim on the ConVal/Antrim Agreement Subcommittee designated to work out agreements over the use of the Town Gym and Shea Field.  Joan will contact Rich Cahoon and try to schedule the meeting.  
Memorial Gym
Although it was hoped that drainage work performed by ConVal had halted further degradation of the gym floor, a new buckle has recently appeared.  This buckle is near the south wall of the gym, and is quite close to openings for electrical outlets, which may allow for inspection below the floor in that area.  It was recommended that we bring in an engineer , possibly William Turner of Maine, who is an expert on vapor drive.

The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary